> library(RCytoscape) > g <- new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed") > g <- graph::addNode("A", g) > g <- graph::addNode("B", g) > g <- graph::addNode("C", g) > cw <- CytoscapeWindow("vignette", graph = g) > ping(cw)
[1] "It works!"
> displayGraph(cw)You should see a single red dot in the middle of a small Cytoscape window titled 'vignette' in the Cytoscape Desktop:
This graph needs layout.
> layoutNetwork(cw, 'grid')After layout, you will see the structure of this graph: simply 3 unconnected nodes. These nodes will be unlabeled, small and colored red -- not very informative.
> redraw(cw)