setNodeAttributesDirectR Documentation



Transfer the named node attribute, for all named nodes, to Cytoscape. The attribute must be previously defined on the nodes of the graph: see nodeDataDefaults in the graph class. This method is useful if you wish to run a 'movie.' For example, if you have a timecourse experiment, with different values at successive time points of the 'lfc' (log fold change) measurements or 'pValue' of each node. With a nodeColor and nodeSize rule already specified, you can animate the display of the nodes across time in the graph by pumping new values of the attributes attributes using this method, and then asking for a redraw. An example of such node-attribute-driven animation can be found here....[todo].


setNodeAttributesDirect(obj,, attribute.type, node.names, values)


obj a CytoscapeWindowClass object. a string one of the attributes defined on the nodes.
attribute.type a string from one of these three groups: (floating, numeric, double), (integer, int), (string, char, character). This parameter is required because RCytoscape cannot always infer the type of an attribute.
node.names a list of strings, node names
values a list of objects of the type specified by '', one per node




Paul Shannon

See Also

setNodeAttributes setEdgeAttributes setEdgeAttributesDirect


  cw <- new.CytoscapeWindow ('setNodeAttributesDirect.test', graph=makeSimpleGraph())
  stopifnot ('count' %in% noa.names (cw@graph))
  result = setNodeAttributesDirect (cw, 'count', 'int', c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (4, 8, 12))